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Troyer Brothers

Third generation family owned and operated potato farm

Troyer Brothers is a family owned and operated potato farm that started in the 1940s. Troyer Brothers provides non-genetically modified red, white, and yellow potatoes grown right in South Florida.


Troyer Brothers


February 2020


2 Months


Give the company’s website an updated look & feel Provide company staff with the ability to easily make updates to the website

Troyer Brothers was introduced to Atilus through a Florida Gulf Coast University event. After speaking with them about the state of their current website and problems they needed solved, we proposed a few solutions to help them reach their goals.

  • Template/theme design
  • WordPress web development

Creating the Website Plan

One of the major goals for this new website was to give the company a fresh look/feel while also maintaining their professional brand image.

We first began with a sitemap, which included key pages about their farming process, their product (potatoes), and about the company. They also wanted to feature recipes that could be made with their potatoes, which was included on the main sitemap.

Designing & Building the Website

Given the simpler nature of the website, we proposed a WordPress template to the client and developed it based on that theme. They wanted to give the website an earthy feel, which is what we tried to accomplish using bright imagery and their photos.
The website was built in WordPress and after the website launched, our team trained the Troyer Brothers staff on how to make updates.

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